Hostel Little Quarter EN / CS

Prices in foreign currency are only informative and approximate according to the current rate of the Czech National Bank . We charge in Czech koruna and the exchange rate at reception may vary.

This form shows only the currently available accommodation capacity for the selected date. If you have not found a suitable room, please try to change the date of your stay.

Available beds in shared rooms

Prices are per bed.
Standard price CZK 460
Current number of free beds 5
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 368
Current number of free beds 13
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 506
Current number of free beds 5
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 598
Current number of free beds 4
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 644
Current number of free beds 3
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary

Available private rooms with WC/bathroom

Prices are per room.
Standard price CZK 2208
Current number of free rooms 1
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 2392
Current number of free rooms 2
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 2392
Current number of free rooms 1
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 2760
Current number of free rooms 2
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 2944
Current number of free rooms 1
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 2944
Current number of free rooms 1
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 3680
Current number of free rooms 2
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary
Standard price CZK 7360
Current number of free rooms 1
You can select more beds or rooms or go to Booking Summary